Breathwork Workshops:
Navigating Holiday Stress


Why Breathwork?

As we approach the holidays with the preparations and expectations that can accompany them, we find ourselves overwhelmed and under-resourced. This leaves us vulnerable to stress, irritability and exhaustion. This is when breathwork can become a supportive tool.


Breathwork is a powerful, self-nourishing practice that can be used integratively, or meditatively, to enhance and fulfill your overall wellbeing.

What to Expect

The Navigating Stress Workshops are held in-person in Kansas City, MO. The 75-minute, group workshops will be held in November and December. This meditative experience is lovingly crafted to support you through the holidays. You can expect,


  • guided meditation and breathing,
  • prompted journaling, and
  • demonstration of various breathing        patterns, and other stress reducing        practices.


Follow the links to choose your specific session date and reserve your space. 

Meet Your Facilitator,


Meet Crystal Tiehen, Intuitive Wellness and Embodiment coach.

She helps humans move through drama, trauma, and karma to prepare and to access emotional and spiritual freedom.

To truly make a transformative upgrade in our lives we must change so much more than just our habits and behaviors. 

To truly allow massive change that is sustainable in day to day existence we need to work from our foundation.

Accessing our body.

Inviting in a ground up approach that brings change and healing full circle.

From birth we are programmed to receive the world according to survival mode and dysfunctional conditioning. We learn to suppress or cope with this way of being….however true embodiment requires a healthy nervous system.

One of the simplest ways to rejuvenate, redirect, and reassure our nervous system is through breathwork.

Introducing yourself to a simple, safe, and effective way to upgrade the nervous system. This enhances all aspects of life and greatly supports your well being and continued evolution.

Reforming our relationship with change is critical for the raise of human consciousness and our personal journey of embodiment.

If you are interested in working with Crystal individually, she facilitates in-person breathwork sessions at the Resonate Relationship Clinic in Overland Park, KS.  

Join this supportive experience for $111