Welcome to a space of wholeness, energy support, and connection to self love.

Crystaline Wellness & Lifestyle

Embracing your Fear is Self-Love!

Embracing your fear is accepting a part of yourself that you don’t like, you are embarrassed of, or that you are guilty or shameful to have as part of you.

These are the parts that show us our inner strength we possess!

This is when we choose to see the wholeness! I believe you cannot only measure who you are by relying on feeling the half-truths of when things go right and feel good.

Your trust and faith of the value and worth you possess inside when you understand and accept your energy change the fear into the truth of who you choose to remember you are to become.

Crystal Tiehen, Intuitive Wellness Coach

The depth of trust, faith, and belief that you have in yourself is a direct reflection of the way you love yourself.

Self-love is the core of your self-expression, it is the center of your relationships with your inner and outer world and the essence of the most sovereign relationship you are on this journey to cultivate. The relationship with Yourself.

“Learn to manifest the feeling and everything else will follow.”

Ask yourself . . .

Do you have trust?

Do you have faith?

Do you have belief?

. . . IN YOU?

Really connect with yourself in the moment and bring in the energy of a desire that you dream will become a part of you.

Then ask yourself how much trust, faith, and belief do you honestly hold within to breathe this into your life each day, even each moment?

If doubt, worry, not sure of yourself, confusion, criticism, comparison, even…arrogance, or greed start flowing in then this is an alarm!

You are blind to loving yourself.

Your Self-Love needs commitment.

It needs acknowledgment that the channel is nearly all static and what you are working with is the energy of ego, of the protector, of the mind.

When we manifest from a space of what feels empty or low from self-love we create from the reality of egotistical self-doubt and your outer world is diluted of your expression of your energy which is where the disconnect is manifested.

Self-love is your expression and how you communicate with your energy, it is the interaction with others, it is the giving and receiving of energy and information, it is the relationship you have with all that manifest outside of you.

And most importantly it is the space in which you create your reality.

Anything else is the illusion.

Your self-love is different than anyone else and when you feel you are not connected to this part of you, you feel separate from the unique essence of who you are and the core of your energy.

When you are in sync with your energies you create from a space of confidence and self-acceptance. Your expression of your energy is no longer felt to be diluted and you cultivate the relationship to show up reflecting outwardly your genuine vibration in each moment. You breathe love into your journey every day and become your own power source that enlightens your path.

“You let your energy lead and your mind follows.”

I teach you to see and feel your underlying energies so that you can be lead by your intuition and establish your footing to dance with the universe.

So each time on your journey you voluntarily or involuntarily find yourself outside of your illusion aka “your comfort zone.” You will let your energy lead with who you are and recognize the process of who you are becoming.

Welcome to being whole, learning your energy, and deep connection to self-love.

Open the gates to expansive inner transformation and creating your outer world through your inner power!

Click the link below to FEEL THIS EXPERIENCE!

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I am gearing up for the release of dropping some Crystaline magic into your inbox. To give my community even more value to really be able to expand you beyond your mind. So if you feel the anticipation drop your name and email and open up to the possibilities!