Announcement – Crystaline Mentorship

Is the Crystaline Mentorship Meant For YOU?

To understand the importance of trauma-informed energy work, we need to understand trauma. 

What is Trauma?

Trauma is a breach in our energetic protective barrier or aura.  Trauma is stored in the body as unresolved and repressed energy. It is something we can feel in our energetic field that provokes a sense of being unsafe, either a feeling of hopelessness or overwhelm. When not resolved, trauma will compound as unhealthy feeling habits over time and create disease and unwanted physical manifestations in the body. 

The Trauma Response Cycle

The need to work with our trauma is even greater than it ever has been as the state of our current societal structures is breaking down and reorganizing, which is showing up in our reality as massive changes and provoking our trauma sometimes to the extremes.

It’s important to understand that trauma lives in the nervous system’s response to the event, not the actual event itself.  So it’s not about the extremity of the event that concretes the intensity of the trauma responses.  It is the effect that the circumstances of the event(s) have on our aura and, ultimately, what gets frozen in pockets in the body; therefore, the mind creates a story around it. 

Raising Our Vibration

As we raise our vibration, either because we seek through our need or curiosity or because we are abruptly woken up to our awareness, our sensitivity heightens. It goes hand in hand, and this is by design.  

Realigning the Nervous System

Before we start working with this energy, though, I firmly believe that we must cultivate a felt sense of safety. I offer high-caliber tools unique to your energetic makeup through the neuroscience of breathwork and trauma-informed energy healing, which realigns the nervous system to work with you and not against you.  

This removes resistance and gives you the confidence to keep an open heart, even in your vulnerability and innocence.  You grow a felt sense of residency in your body and empowerment that redefines how you respond to trauma.

The Crystaline Mentorship

I have a revolving door for my mentorships, which are three-month commitments. I am available to take on five new clients. 

Imagine being able to move through your own trauma responses and not being a prisoner to the unconscious state of being every time you’re triggered.  What if you had your unique process to feel your way through life and not always fall into the trauma response of overthinking and the hijacking of your nervous system?

Is The Crystaline Mentorship Right For Me?

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