ReConnected: Awakening Into the Body

The New Era of Healing

Finally, a new energy-based embodiment method that is changing the world of healing. It is the New Era of Healing. It is the power of the nervous system!

The feedback is astounding. It has repeatedly proven to be more powerful than any other energy healing method tried by those I am guiding. It’s not about aligning with the moon phases, rituals, astrology, human design, enneagram, chakra system clearing, tarot, oracle cards, crystals, yoga, and other mainstream methods in the spiritual marketplace.

It is about learning how to reestablish a healthy and trusting relationship with the body, about feeling safe in the body, and about listening to the body’s language. When we make this radical move BACK into the body, we start to ‘feel’ again in an entirely new way.

Instead of gravitating to anything and everything that offers transformation, soul healing, and freedom from trauma – our ability to intuitively self-heal presents itself in a language we not only feel but can truly understand. Life becomes less complicated, mind fog evaporates, and we can finally understand what WE need. We stop searching and move into gentle self-discovery.

How does it work?

Real-Time Nervous System Regulation & Trauma Recognition

Many of us as self-healers can conceptualize that the nervous system and trauma are the big things that need the intention to heal. Meaning the root causes of emotional struggle and turmoil, controlling our stress levels in our body and causing us unnecessary suffering.

But let’s be honest…Have you been able to find a way out truly?

I have a protocol that is based on the physical and energetic laws of the nervous system.  By working with the nervous system and your implicit memory, we open a gateway to your subconscious and the innate wisdom that exists within the body of your cellular memory… in the present moment.

Within this new approach to energy-based healing, you gain access to self-realizations that allow you to retrain your nervous system, heal your past self, and collapse timelines to experience fulfillment and joy in life, no matter the circumstances.

Moving Out of Survival Mode

This means no more surviving but instead cultivating a sense of safety and trust within the body and being cellularly connected to the presence of your own true, authentic self and power.

Activating the Self-Healer Within

You can FINALLY end the real struggles in real life, the hard ones, like relationships, finances, parenting, and health.

These struggles are a deep-seated truth: unhealthy feeling habits are all created by your nervous system. If your body is not on board, it will not matter how much quantum healing you do or how deep you dive into your mind/body/spiritual practice, manifestation rituals, or spiritual willingness. It will not move you beyond your limitations, and you will always wonder why you must go through this again.

We can get stuck living in a survival state, a seeking journey, and waiting patiently for a miracle to happen.

But now! You will be FREE. You can create a trauma-free and abundant life and help the world heal.


What happens when we unintentionally work against our nervous system? We can feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and as though living in a revolving door of chaos. In other words, we have created the perfect incubator for re-traumatization. We start to feel disoriented and desperate for any form of relief from the symptoms, only to continue to experience them over and over. An overactive nervous system becomes the ‘new normal.’

This new normal can present itself with a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms. An overactive nervous system can make you feel restless, anxious, or even disassociated, which can feel almost like emotional and physical paralysis. The physical symptoms include an elevated heart rate, headaches, muscle tension, and digestive problems.

Combining neuroscience through breathwork and trauma therapy through embodiment, a new approach to energy healing has been birthed!

The Power of Reawakening Into the Body

Since my intuitive gifts and psychic skills were activated in 2017, so did the awareness of my heightened ability to sense, hear, see, and feel into the implicit memory in people. Through the intuitive study of trauma, human behavior, and expansion, a profound approach has been birthed to release the need to suffer and align the nervous system with the dream to thrive.

The science of trauma and the nervous system’s role in our suffering is a relatively new concept, and there have only been glimpses of a solution-based method that supports this self-healing method.

This evolution in self-healing is a call to ‘Awaken Into the Body.’ Are you ready to put an end to the search and finally move into actual and realized healing? Join me on a self-healing journey that aligns not only with the new vibration of

You are invited to in this new and evolved chapter of self-healing and join a ‘new energy’ lineage of healers. . The e

There is this and that and trying all the things and then finally that oh so familiar feeling

of “This is it” to only be disappointed because your body is not on board with the

limitations you want to move beyond to heal.

So because of this we have created these concepts of “divine timing” or “it wasn’t

meant for me” or the big one “ the dark night of the soul” as a part of healing.

While there is truth in these concepts they can not truly be used as an empowered

energy unless embodied. The mind does not have the capacity to comprehend them.

So they just become another mask for our trauma.

To reveal the masks of trauma we must work with our nervous system. Not against it!

Your nervous system carries all the unresolved trauma form ancestors, lineage,

childhood family, all the scary, unpredictable, and unsupported experiences that you

went through as a child.

So we have to understand and accept that this all lives inside the body, cellular

memory, and that neuro pathways of our entire biosystem. Our body is the most

effective way to access the subconscious mind in the present moment. Healing does

not happen in the past, healing does not happen in the future. Healing happens in the

present moment, the NOW.

Trauma lives inside the body and your body is the one that creates, meaning it is the

one that creates energy. It is the physical channel to which energy expresses itself

through. And while we think the majority of messaging comes from the brain and is

sent into the body it is actually the majority of inner messaging comes from the body

and sent up to the brain through the vagus nerve.

This is sensing and being with your current state vs. sensing and being with your

current story you are telling yourself. Your state is always going to have more power

than your story if you are using physical based principles for healing.

Being in the body offers effortlessness to our intuition, direct merging with our

subconscious, accessing our innate wisdom, activating our sacred witness, and being

present to our healing.

But if we have unprocessed trauma we will disassociate from the body and the trauma

is bound to recreate and be reactive until the unconscious energy is given permission

to become conscious. So your body is the one, the one that needs to be healed to

experience deep embodied safety. And when you establish trust and safety in the

nervous system it retrains your bodies desires to move beyond any limitations.

You shift from surviving to being ALIVE in the body and your life becomes more

beautiful than you can ever imagine. When you learn to listen to your body you don’t

put yourself in environments that are stressful on the nervous system, you don’t keep

people, places, and things, that deplete your energy in your field, you have a new

devotion and permission to put energetic boundaries in place through self love. You go

from learning how to heal to discerning to heal. And when this is embodied you can

truly achieve anything! You literally embody the transformation you have been so

hungry for all this time.

This protocol is not just somatic work, it is not just regulating the nervous system,

although that is a crucial part of it. We also have to give our self permission to change

the traces of traumatic memories under the survival mode, or we will keep coming

back to those oh so familiar patterns and situations that look different but still hold the

same energetic signature that create the mirror for healing. These are the real struggles

in real life. We must release the deep-seated traumas and emotional pain restoring

balance and peace in our body and mind.

These struggles in real life are what we can actually work with when we are first

capable of regulating our autonomic nervous system with deep self compassion, and

deep self love. This gives permission to grow a reverence for the body and its role in

your healing. Befriending and metabolizing the information from the body in survival

mode is the secret to deep embodied safety. We can then gently work with our implicit


Implicit memory is an unconscious memory system that guides automatic functions

and reactions subconsciously. Implicit memory is the only memory we have in early

childhood as the left hemisphere of the brain only begins to develop after the age of

two. This means that everything that we experience is stored in our body, in the

subconscious, and without words. The implicit memory is also the memory that our

body uses in later life every time we experience a “threat”. No matter if the threat is

physical or emotional the bodily reaction is the same! When your vagas nerve and your

brainstem or emotional part of the brain recognizes that you are not safe the amygdala

starts this embedded survival protocol inside your body. This is when adrenaline and

cortisol levels increase and the sympathetic and parasympathetic survival responses

are activated and will do anything to keep you safe. When this happens your nervous

system feel unsafe and stops you by using the prefrontal cortex part of your brain. You

do not have time to think or consider things. It is an activated reaction that once

activated you have to let it runs its course. It usually those moments that you loose

control, moments that you have an aftermath of feeling guilty or ashamed of once you

are thinking clearly again.

Remember the feeling afterwards….you can not explain your actions, you have no

words, and you are stuck in confusion with what just happened and why you acted that

way. The same thing is relevant to your childhood experiences. As a child you can not

explain why you felt unsupported or unloved, why you felt like an outsider and felt

never seen, or heard, or accepted on a deep level. Why you have low self esteem, and

why you kept looking for love outside of yourself. These experiences are stored in your

implicit memory, in your body…without words.

I have seen this over and over with hundreds of my clients. Those empty feelings

without words will keep coming back. These are the memories we can work with using

neuroscience through breathwork and trauma therapy embodiment protocols.

In this multidimensional healing the narrative of emotional trauma is metabolized and

we weave an energetic approach of learning your own personal energy field with self

love and self compassion removing the threats of our past suffering. The byproduct is

a being of physical microcosm for self healing.

Reconnected unlocks the doorway to profound healing and a limitless life of fulfillment

and embraced transformation.

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